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The Disparity Study

The study will analyze the contracting practices of the state of California and determine if the subject businesses—minority, women, LGBTQ, and certified small and disabled veteran-owned businesses—have equal access to contracting opportunities. The analysis will determine the state’s utilization of subject businesses on state contracts from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2023. Once the utilization is determined, the consultant will compare the findings to the availability of ready, willing, and able California businesses to evaluate if a statistical disparity exists for any of the subject businesses.

Equity in State Procurement

California spends $10-12 billion annually on contracts and has introduced equity measures to boost small and diverse business participation in state contracting. Assembly Bill (AB) 2019 mandated the Disparity Study, prioritizing equitable contracting practices and fostering a more inclusive supplier base to achieve a “California for all”.

To learn more about the Disparity Study, you can contact Mason Tillman Associates, Ltd. by phone at (510) 607-8353 or email us at [email protected].